COVID 19 Safety Plan

This has been updated as of 14.4.2021


This plan provides members of the business and customers guidance on operating in a COVID-safe way, and helps identify and mitigate risks during the ongoing pandemic.

Purpose and objectives

Our business is dedicated to the health, safety and wellbeing of all team members, clients and visitors. In this pandemic environment, we acknowledge additional precautions are required and that these are outlined in this COVID Safety Plan.

  1. Practice access and patient flow

To control the flow of people at pickup, we will:

  • Define foot traffic at the front using floor markings and allocated time slots
  • Display information at the entrance and ensure clear messaging on the website asking patients to call ahead if they have any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 to enable an alternative for pickup/ delivery
  • Provide access to hand-hygiene products at pickup address as an alcohol-based hand sanitiser
  • Physical distancing

Maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 m with a customer is not always possible, so our business will put in place physical distancing measure by:

  • Aiming all pickups to be dropped off straight into the customer’s mode of transport instead of straight to them personally
  • Use of personal protective equipment

Appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is critical in limiting the spread of COVID-19. All members of the business will:

  • Ensure standard precautions, including hand hygiene, cough etiquette and appropriate waste-management techniques, are maintained
  • Wear PPE appropriate to the advice from the Premier of Victoria and the Victorian Department of Health
  • Environmental management and cleaning

Our business will regularly clean and disinfect surfaces and door handles

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces with detergent and disinfectant wipe/solution between each pickup – using a cleaning detergent followed by a disinfectant, or a two-in-one product with cleaning and disinfecting properties
  • Record-keeping

To aid contact tracing in the event a team member, contractor or any visitor to the business pickup address tests positive for COVID-19, our business will:

  • Maintain a record of all customer pickup times and suppliers/ deliveries who come to the address
  • Maintain these records for a minimum of 28 days.
  • Responding to a positive case, or close contact, in the business

If a member of the team tests positive to COVID-19, our business will:

  • Contact the local public health unit and follow their advice
  • Follow the direction of the local public health unit regarding cleaning of the business address
  • Ensure the team member does not return to the practice until they meet the criteria for release from isolation, and as instructed by the local public health unit
  • Assist the local public health unit in contact tracing by proving records of all team members, customers and visitors who have attended the business address during the period in which the team member was potentially infectious (as defined by the local public health unit).

Plan review

This plan will be reviewed regularly to ensure it reflects the current processes and procedures of Emz Cakes & Catering as well as current legislation requirements and public health directives. The plan will be reviewed at any time the Victorian regulations change